15.10.2015: Version 0.9.0 is released
Regard3D 0.9.0 has been released! Please find it under the links provided in the Download page.
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 0.9.0
- Third-party programs (MVE, PoissonRecon) up to date
- Mac: OpenMP-enabled build
Most notably, the OpenMVG library has been updated to 0.9.0, and the MVE-toolchain is also up-to-date. The MVE tools are faster than before and require less memory, and they are based on a new file format (MVE2).
The Mac version has been built with the OpenMP-enabled Clang (https://clang-omp.github.io/), including most third-party tools. This means that also on the Mac Regard3D is now very fast! The surface generation with PoissonRecon is still single-threaded, however, the version built with OpenMP-Clang was not stable.
Known issues:
- Triangulations created with a version before Regard3D 0.8.0 can still be loaded, but not used for densifications. Please create new triangulations.
- With some scenes it can happen that the incremental chain fails, if the selected image pair is too close. Please select another pair in this case.
- With some scenes, the new version of texrecon (the texture mapping program) shows worse results than the previous version. The dynamic of the colors is much worse than on the original pictures. This issue has been reported to the original author. If "Global seam leveling" is switched off, the results may be better.